Social Media

At Addante Chiropractic we do not participate in social media forums such as Facebook and Twitter, or the various healthcare search websites. This is a deliberate decision on our part.

We simply do not have the time to maintain an active presence on social media sites, or to constantly update our profile on the multitude of search websites. Instead, our time is spent one on one with you, the patient, in helping you to achieve your health goals. So, while we appreciate positive comments, any reviews or posts that you might see on the web are solely the opinion of the persons posting them, and do not represent the views or opinions of Addante Chiropractic PC  its doctors, or staff.

So, if you want to ‘like’ us, tell your friends! Your confidence and recommendations mean a lot to us.

And if you do not want to ‘like’ our service, tell us! We’ll try to make it right. Because – your confidence and recommendations still mean a lot to us.